Saturday, 28 August 2010

The Orphaned Anything's

An “I'm up, what more do you want from me?” sticker hideously controls the back of Ayden Kosacov’s bedroom door. In his mind what started as a joke is slowly becoming his "glorious and underrated mantra".

Ayden Kosacov is alive, and that is about all you can say. In the throws of a mundane and jejune life Ayden is slowly coming to the realization that if all his world is a stage than he wouldn’t care if he did or did not miss the final scenes. Through an almost "accidental" suicide attempt and the recovery that soon follows, Ayden learns that there is more to living than just being alive. Finding his way through diverse experiences and people he comes to terms with God, his family, and finally himself.

The synopsis for Stephen Christian's 2008 memoir. It is the story of a 'lesser known' and his journey to finding that there is more to living than being alive.

It is written in an odd, un-punctuated way... which I, personally found difficult to get my head around. The read leaves you thinking.

Christian wrote a track list to go along with reading the novel...

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