KIVA - connecting people through lending to alleviate poverty. It joins up generous people who are capable of lending money to entrepreneurs who need the help across the globe. It has helped people with over $1million in loans.

MADE BY SURVIVORS - An organisation who get survivors of human trafficking to create jewellery, clothes and bags and sell them on. All the money goes to helping the survivors of trafficking.

STOP THE TRAFFIK - A charity who help with the issue of trafficking, trying to eradicate it at the same time as raising awareness worldwide.

FREE THE SLAVES - A charity who help free people in slavery, and help them stay free.

DIVINE CHOCOLATE - A company selling fair-trade chocolate

LAND OF A THOUSAND HILLS - A company selling fair-trade coffee.

END SLAVERY IN TENNESSEE AND BEYOND - An organization who's mission is to foster slave-free communities through prevention, education and community engagement.

COMMUNITY COALITION AGAINST HUMAN TRAFFICKING - preventing human trafficking in 55 counties in eastern Tennessee.

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